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Charles H. Green

  • Trusted Advisor and Trust-Based Selling


Now, more than ever, trust relationships are essential to the way we do business. In fact, the level of trust in business relationships, whether internal with employees and colleagues or external with clients and partners, may be the single greatest determinant of success and business growth.

And Charles H. Green knows trust.

Considered the pre-eminent thought leader and author of Trusted Advisor, Charles has built a decades-long career out of showing leading businesses and organizations how to be trusted advisors. In the 20th anniversary of his groundbreaking book, he taps into a world that has changed considerably, addressing how the digital revolution has fundamentally altered business and how digital now must adapt to trust. He also highlights the changing nature and demographics of business relationships and speaks to a new generation of leaders in their generation's terms.

As founder and CEO of Trusted Advisor Associates, Charles works with Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 global companies to optimize their growth, emphasizing, “Trust is the one truly sustainable competitive advantage in business.”

Given that trust is such a foundational principle in business, and the broadening framework of online activity, meetings, and ecommerce, it's time to effectively use technology to foster engagement and growth over the long haul. In a world where Zoom is not the same as face-to-face, managers need to develop the language and tactics that show empathy and understanding and how can a company convey that understanding to its remote staff as well as to the rapidly changing role of its customers.

In his customized sessions, Charles offers tips, tools, and skills that are intensely practical and tangible, aimed at such outcomes as maximizing team potential, improving partnerships, fostering brand loyalty, and increasing sales—all serving to increase top line growth and bottom line profitability. Conveying a comfortable, authentic style, he makes a “soft” subject easy to grasp, providing results based not only on research but consistent with common sense.

Charles is passionate about sharing his experience with organizations eager to develop successful professional relationships with customers, clients, and colleagues that will lead to growth and profitability. He demonstrates that in changing our mindsets regarding fundamental principles of how we work with others, we can transform business relationships in actionable and measurable ways.




  • How to Becoming a Long lasting Trusted Advisor
  • Trust Based Selling
  • Listening to Build Trust

Keywords: building relationships, trust, competitive advantage, profitability, leadership, change management, change, communication, trust-based selling

Book Charles H. Green